BR640A Wide Band Re­ceiver


Ritec-BR640A-www2The BR-640A is a mod­estly high gain broad­band RF re­ceiver specif­i­cally de­signed for use in ul­tra­sonic sys­tems. It has fast re­cov­ery while still being pro­tected against se­vere over­load, al­low­ing its use in a pulse/echo (sin­gle trans­ducer) type of op­er­a­tion.


Fre­quency Range of 100 kHz to 50 MHz

The BR-640A main­tains ex­cel­lent re­cov­ery char­ac­ter­is­tics over its full fre­quency range. How­ever, when work­ing in the mid to high fre­quency range, some im­prove­ment in re­cov­ery time can be achieved by in­vok­ing one of the high pass fil­ters. Cut-off fre­quen­cies of 100 kHz, 500 kHz, or 1 MHz may be se­lected. Typ­i­cally, when sin­gle trans­ducer (pulse/echo) op­er­a­tion is em­ployed, high volt­ages are ap­plied to the re­ceiver input dur­ing the dri­ving pulse. The BR-640A input is pro­tected against high volt­ages and an av­er­age power input up to 2 W. When used with a RITEC diplexer the volt­age and power to the re­ceiver input will be rad­i­cally re­duced with­out re­duc­tion in sig­nal. The diplexer re­moves the duty cycle lim­i­ta­tions im­posed by the 2 W re­sis­tor.


Large Gain Con­trol Range

The gain of the unit may be set from -15 to +64 dB in 1 dB steps with­out sac­ri­fic­ing the 6 dB noise fig­ure ex­cept in the very low gain set­tings. This method of con­trol al­lows the gain to be set ac­cu­rately and re­pro­ducibly with im­per­cep­ti­ble drift.


High or Low Input Im­ped­ance

The unit fea­tures ei­ther a 50 W or high-im­ped­ance input (switch se­lec­table) and a 50 W out­put with a 1 Volt peak to peak swing ca­pa­bil­ity. Aux­il­iary power is also avail­able for ex­ter­nal mod­ules such as pre-amps. Op­tional match­ing net­works for dri­ving EMATs are avail­able.


Square wave pulser and re­ceiver sys­tem

The com­bi­na­tion of Ritec’s SP-801A high power square wave pulser with the BR-640A broad­band re­ceiver con­sti­tutes the ideal in­stru­men­ta­tion for dri­ving EMAT mea­sure­ments and other ul­tra­sonic test­ing of high damp­ing ma­te­ri­als at low fre­quency.
