
Non-Des­truc­tive Ins­pec­tion Gene­ral Sym­po­sium Autumn Lec­ture Conven­tion

Tue12 Nov-Wed13 Nov 2019

We will exhi­bit at the pro­duct ses­sion of “Non-Des­truc­tive Ins­pec­tion Gene­ral Sym­po­sium Autumn Lec­ture Conven­tion” spon­so­red by the Japan Non­des­truc­tive Ins­pec­tion Asso­cia­tion.

On the day, we will invite a staff mem­ber of a French sub­si­diary to give a lec­ture.

We are loo­king for­ward to seeing you with a lot of details from UT to RT, ET and GWT.

[Non-des­truc­tive simu­la­tion soft­ware CIVA]

Fea­tures: It is pos­sible to simu­late non-des­truc­tive ins­pec­tion methods. Simu­la­tion of ultra­so­nic tes­ting, radia­tion trans­mis­sion tes­ting, eddy cur­rent tes­ting, and gui­ded wave tes­ting is pos­sible.

In par­ti­cu­lar, it can be used to solve pro­blems in ultra­so­nic flaw detec­tion, such as ver­ti­cal flaw detec­tion in UT, cal­cu­la­tion of beam direc­ti­vity of oblique flaw detec­tion, cal­cu­la­tion of sound field, cal­cu­la­tion of delay row of pha­sed array probe, probe design.

Nos pro­chains expo­si­tions