RPR-4000 High Power Sin-Wave Pulser/Re­ceiver


The Ritec RPR-4000 is a high power ul­tra­sonic mea­sure­ment sys­tem de­signed for the non-de­struc­tive eval­u­a­tion of ma­te­r­ial prop­er­ties. It al­lows re­pro­ducible mea­sure­ments using short (down to sin­gle cycle) radio fre­quency tone burst ex­ci­ta­tions in com­pos­ites and other dif­fi­cult ma­te­ri­als.


The RPR-4000 pro­vides high power RF tone burst ex­ci­ta­tions up to 8 kilo­watts, pro­vid­ing abil­ity to drive in­ef­fi­cient trans­duc­ers, such as elec­tro­mag­netic acoustic trans­duc­ers (EMATs) or high ca­pac­ity, low fre­quency piezo­elec­tric trans­duc­ers. The low noise broad­band re­ceiver has a gain con­trol range of 20 to 100 dB and very low dis­tor­tion, and is there­fore ide­ally suited for re­ceiv­ing weak ul­tra­sonic sig­nals as those gen­er­ated by EMATs. All RITEC high power prod­ucts are pro­tected against over cur­rent and over volt­age to pro­tect the in­stru­ments in case of trans­ducer or wiring fail­ures. The RPR-4000 has an in­te­grated front panel dis­play and key­pad for op­er­a­tion with­out an ex­ter­nal con­trol com­puter, or it might be con­trolled by a PC via the RS-232 in­ter­face.
